Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Commutter Challenge is Open

Here's the deal... 

We will tally results via a simple survey.  You will basically tally your mileage as often as you need to.  

You must complete the survey for the miles to count.  So even if you only have one leg to input, just click through the second page until you are finished...It's very quick. 


If you do not see your name in the first question, let me know.  I'll have to add you to the list so we can compile all of the results.  

If you have any questions, feel free to post here. 


Commuter Challenge Starts Tomorrow

The timing is perfect considering Bridge's news.  

I've decided to rename this slightly to the commuter challenge vs the commuter race.  I would like this to be as much of a cummunity effort as it is a friendly competition.  Of course the guys at C-ville Bike and Tri are talking all kinds of trash but we'll see what happens when it's time for the rubber to meet the road.  

Trash talking aside I would like to see how many miles a small group of commuters can actually rack up with a single concerted effort.  

You will need to quickly register with me to start getting your miles counted...I'll post all of the details tomorrow.  

If anyone is interested in making a flyer for the event let me know and I can send you the details.  I think we'll run a monthly challenge through the end of the year.

Good Morning News!

CNN just reported that the gas shortages should be slowly moving northwards through the south, so that about mid-next week Virginia should be seeing signs of this "issue." Any leavening of the gas shortage will not be noticeable until mid-next MONTH! If you ride a bike as your main source of transportation, is it still an event of contention? Obviously, just not as big as one.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Need Some Beta Testers

I've got an idea for submitting miles as part of the commuter race series but I would like a few people that I can use as beta testers.  I just need you to try out the system and give me feedback.  It's pretty quick but this will help me figure out a good way to compile the scores and hopefully improve the submission system before the live release.  If you can help out reply here and I'll send you an email.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A brief word of thanks

To Johanna for holding the MTB Rock Garden clinic today at OHill.
There was a better turn out than I expected based on my own reticence towards it this morning.
It felt good to cheer for others. I think I will do it some more.
50 or 60 more of these clinics and i might be a good rider.
Thanks Johanna and James

The Commuter Race

I was hanging out with the boyz at C'ville Bike and Tri the other day and we came up for an idea for a commuter race.  It's not a race in the sense that we go head to head on the same course to see who's the fasest, but it's more of a points series.  You accumulate points based on mileage, weather conditions and the weight of your gear.  

We are still working out the kinks but this is what we have for the scoring so far.  
  • You get 1 pt for every mile that you ride (partial points ok)
  • Rain during that leg gets double points for that leg only.
  • There will be extra points for riding a fixie (maybe 1.25-1.5x)
  • You get extra points based on the weight of your bike and gear (backpack, panniers, etc) 30-40 lbs = 1pt  40-50 lbs = 2pts  >50 lbs = 3pts. 
  • Sending in a mustache photo earns 5 points, being selected is another 5 pts.
Additional guidelines
  • The commuter challenge will begin October 1.
  • You must have a calibrated computer to account for the miles.
  • Joy rides, training rides, etc do not count towards the mileage.  Grocery trip however DO count.
  • You will most likely have to register for the race and submit your times a few times a week.
  • Current standings will be posted every Monday AM.
Stay tuned for additional details...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gettin my rage on.

In the past week or so I have seen twice some iteration of the parable that says basically "Don't look where you don't want to go."
The last time I saw it was on the CAMBC site. Fitting. I think that you could apply it to every aspect of life though. I'm gonna try it and get back to you later. But before then... Tomorrow at 10:30, I'm going to try and not look at a whole bunch of hard and unforgiving things at O Hill.
For those of you who don't know me, I work at C'ville Bike and Tri as a wrench. I have more than one tattoo and I smell like a rock star. Naturally one would surmise that I am a badass mountain biker like Kyle. One would be wrong. Ask Eric, he'll tell you.
I like it though. I think I could love it given time.
I need some skillz.
Lucky for me I found this...

From the CAMBC website:
Sunday September 14, 2008 – MTB Rock Garden Clinic – Free
O-hill, 10:30 AM, Meet at the upper gate near the observatory. For questions or to RSVP:Johanna.Kraus@gmail.com

Johanna Kraus (Velo-Bella Pro & CRC member) will be leading this skill session focusing on the low speed balance skills that will help riders effectively navigate technical terrain. Specifically we will focus on climbing technical switchbacks and riding rock gardens. The clinic will include trail riding and drills on body movement, shifting and braking. All skill levels are welcome. This is agreat opportunity to practice those tricky sections that have been hanging you up on group rides, or that just get you frustrated. Amaze your friends:) "

I get frustrated and would love to be able to amaze my friends! I think I will go there.
Apparently James held a clinic on all things turn-y on Saturday. He said it went well. Yay! I wish I could have gone, I like to turn. It helps me avoid all those things that I'm not looking at. Maybe he will hold another...

Stay tuned for the update. Also, stay tuned for info on October's Commuter challenge (It's going to have prizes and heartbreak I swear.) and also also we will be holding a 3 day (I think) "Get off your lazy butt and do it yourself" home bike mechanics class some time in the fall or winter, or both. So stay tuned for that as well.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


just in case you haven't gotten around to picking up the current issue of the C-ville, their feature story is about Bikes vs Cars. i was going to copy and paste some of the article on the blog but, i decided to post this video i found on the C-ville website.

go get you a copy of the paper and read it.